Engineering, Design & Technical

We understand that it can be daunting and often confusing when trying to understand all of the additional requirements when delivering work within the nuclear sector.

Within Integrated Nuclear Group, we have experienced consultants that can supplement your business to deliver these requirements to the satisfaction of your clients, whilst providing you with the confidence that your business is working appropriately under these regulations.

We not only offer documentation authoring services, we can also provide a Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) review and/or approval service where you may not have the depth or relevant experience within your organisation to fulfil all of these roles.

Click on one of the buttons below to find out more or contact us for further information.

Technical Authoring

We understand that it can be daunting when beginning work within the nuclear sector with so many documentation requirements in areas that your business does not specialise in.  At Integrated Nuclear Group we have the experience and ability to produce key deliverables to enable your company to deliver. 

We not only offer documentation authoring services, we can also provide a Suitably Qualified and Experienced Personnel (SQEP) review and/or approval service where you may not have the depth or relevant experience within your organisation to fulfil all of these roles.

An example of some of the documents that we can assist you with:
The above list is not exhaustive. Please contact us for any other documents that you need to produce and require support with; we are confident that we have experience within our group of producing most, if not all of the documentation that you could be required to produce.
Contact us to discuss the extent the support that Integrated Nuclear Group can provide.

Engineering Solutions

At Integrated Nuclear Group we have a pool of Engineers with experience in overcoming some of the toughest challenges within the Nuclear Industry.
With experience from Concept Design and development into Detailed Design and Design for Manufacture we are confident that our Engineers can help provide solutions to some of your toughest tasks.

Engineering Analysis

Once entering the world of Nuclear, your business may find it gets challenged upon practices that have always been the norm. 'That is what we have always done' does not provide the confidence the Client is looking for.

Our engineers can help substantiate your working practices and products to help solve any awkward questions and clarifications your client is looking for. This can be through a range of calculations or by the use of computer software to substantiate your position and practices.

UKCA / CE Marking

UKCA marking is an administrative marking that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the UK.
UKCA replaced CE marking within the UK from 1st January 2021. CE Marking still applies to products sold within the European Union and can still be applied within the UK until 31st December 2022.

The mark proves that the product has been designed and manufactured to the relevant standards and that a technical file to support this position is produced alongside a Declaration of Conformity.

To deliver a product that complies with these requirements your company is required to manufacture and keep records to certain standards. Integrated Nuclear Group offer a full review of your company's need to UKCA Mark and can support the production and compilation of the Technical file.

Machinery Directive

The health and safety requirements demand that machinery suppliers identify the hazards their equipment contain and assess the risks these hazards present to users.

It is the manufacturer's responsibility to meet the administrative and essential health and safety requirements of the Directive.  
Any risks identified must be reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.

Integrated Nuclear Group have consultants who can assist in the identification of hazards and ensuring compliance to the Machinery Directive.

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